Summer is a little over half way over. I have yet to write a Summer bucket list. That’s coming this weekend with a day off and lots of food consuming. (Update to myself: I started this Monday Afternoon during my lunch break. It’s now Saturday Sunday morning and I’m finishing it up.) Until then, let’s focus on internet deliciousness.
First off, two-fer – This Coffee S’mores Pie from Megan makes me want to punchdance for an hour so I can eat the entire pie by myself in one sitting. Then I’m taking the ganache infusing secrets and using those to add extra shazamm to some fudgesicles. (via Take a Megabite)
More Necessary Punchdancing! – I’m thinking coffee ice cream and some toasted hazelnuts or almonds to coat the outside? or maybe some strawberry ice cream with macadamia nuts? Whoa. (via Cupcakes and Cashmere)
Breakfast for every meal – Bacon, corn, potatoes, onions. Bless your soul Deb. And bless sweatpants. (via Smitten Kitchen)
Lastly I need to tell you to grill your romaine before this summer is over. Walk out to your BBQ grill and lightly grill for like a minute on either side, and chop it up with some parmesan, and a dash of olive oil and rice vinegar – vavavoom for dinner.