Holiday entertaining is right around the corner, with Thanksgiving and Christmas and the million parties in between, something is bound to end up with you as the host. You couuuuld go to several different stores and buy all the different meats and cheeses and wines or you could also just head over to Harry & David and have all the options at your fingertips shipped straight to your house.

Before when I thought of Harry & David I would just think of boxes of pears delivered monthly so it was a nice surprise when they reached out and asked if I’d be interested in trying out some of their holiday options like organic charcuterie and cheese plate, California creameries collection (a personal favorite), and Gourmet Serving Tray Gift with Wine that ended up being most of the spread I put together because it has so many good options for a well rounded spread.

They’ve also got some great new wine, namely their new sparkling wine that’s a nice alternative to champagne for people who want the bubbles but not the champagne taste.
My other favorite thing about getting such an assortment for snack tables is that it makes it easier to spread out in a lot of different little bowls and plates. I think sometimes people think they need giant boards or platters for cheeseboards but the easier thing is to just decant it all in smaller bowls and a couple of larger plates, it takes up more room this way and makes everything look more bountiful, win win for us all.
Special shout out to Harry & David for sponsoring this post and helping keep this site/me moving/shaking/twisting.