Hey everyone, It’s almost Thanksgiving.
Like, just a week away.
Cue Final Countdown.
Cue Friends Thanksgiving above. I redid the invites from last year, and only re-invited Kristen Wiig. I know usually people say that if they could invite anyone to dinner it would be Jesus or Abraham Lincoln or maybe a Jesus Lincoln Hybrid? I just don’t have that kind of self control.
The guests that were invited this year include, L to R:
- Rebel Wilson who I constantly mix up with Rumor Willis who really needs to be my best friend that I can Skype all the time and just look at her serving up unisex realness in that 90s flannel.
- Mario Lopez, because, well, he’s Mario Lopez. #teamslaterforlife.
- Kristen Wiig, again. She decided to wear the same blouse but it’s okay, I still love her.
- Kelly Cutrone, mainly because she doesn’t care about anyone’s opinion and I might have almost watched the entire season of Kell on Earth in one sitting don’t judge.
- Lastly, Rachel Zoe, minus Roger because he creeps the hell out of me. She’ll be wearing something fabulous and let’s face it, probably only eat a cranberry or something fake from a centerpiece so that means more food for me. plus I do a really good Rachel Zoe Impression and I need to get her opinion.
I’m not prepared, but am totally taking the whole “don’t be a crazy bitchface because it’s just Thanksgiving” thing full force.
Just in case you’re curious, here’s a link to what last year’s Thanksgiving consisted of. And some pumpkin cheesecake. And a photoshop explosion.
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chicken: Food52 // green bean casserole: Hungry Girl por Vida // rolls: Bon Apetit // pie: Joy the Baker |
I’ve definitely started a pinterest board for dinner inspirations. Because I’m always so organized. Not.
I’ve also definitely decided to ditch the turkey. I’ve decided I don’t like the texture of turkey, especially the day afterwards, no matter how not dry it cooks up. There’s just something about it too that’s sort of gamey if you don’t buy the right bird.
I’m opting for a couple roast chickens. They’re cheaper, there’s no thawing issues ever, I can probably prep and cook one with my eyes closed, the leftovers are awesome, no gameyness, and you can cook it even faster.
If you think I’m being too sacrilegious, calm down. Here’s a way to cook up a fierce turkey for your familia. I totally understand if you fear someone will hit you for not cooking up a giant bird.
Or be an extra sneaky trickster and cook up the chicken and break it down, present it beautifully, and tell everyone you bought pygmy turkeys.